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Old 02-12-2008, 08:23 AM
gmachen gmachen is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 32
Does anyone else have an external hard drive that won't unmount?

My posts, especially #10 above, tentatively & loosely point to possible culprits:

- Only a volume or partition that has had a SD! bootable backup done to it won't unmount.
- The problem first surfaced after a bootable backup was done by SD! running logged-in under a normal Admin account.
- The only time it would unmount was with the Finder from within a normal Admin account immediately following a bootable backup when SD! was running as root.
- But once the HD subsequently was "touched" by a non-root account (re-mounting it with Disk Utility), it again became unmountable. Even with a sudo diskutil unmount.

Could SD! be setting some flag or something else that otherwise prevents unmounting, even when lsod reveals no open file or process associated with that drive?

(My drive has two partitions; I've never encountered this problem with a single-partition drive; perhaps that's a clue.)

Last edited by gmachen; 02-12-2008 at 08:28 AM.
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