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klmorin 09-28-2016 09:00 PM

A clone that does not boot.
For a long time I used to make bootable clones of each of my Macs to USB 3 external drives.
For efficiency reasons I have now created a clone on an external SSD (in a USB 3 enclosure). But this clone does not boot my iMac (El Capitan).
I select it in the Preferences system, I'm told it will be used for the reboot, but ultimately it is always the internal SSD that boots.

Do you have any clues to help me understand.

Thank you.

dnanian 09-28-2016 09:11 PM

If you could, please send the log from the backup to me using the "Send to shirt pocket" button. Use "Error during copy" as the issue type, and I'll take a look.

klmorin 10-02-2016 01:40 PM

Reformatting the drive was the solution.
Thank you for help and patience.

ctucker10 10-03-2016 10:08 AM

I'm experiencing a similar problem. The process completed with no errors but my system would not boot from the copy.

I was using an edited script...experimenting with excluding a couple of files/directories that (I hoped) would disable automatic syncing of Dropbox and Box Sync on the copy.

When the copy didn't boot I erased the external drive, not just the volume--I reformatted the whole drive. I started the process again, this time using the "Backup - all files" Standard Script.

Again, the process completed without errors, but I couldn't boot from the copy.

Some additional information: the source volume is a homegrown Fusion drive created from a 128GB SSD and a 1TB spinning disk. The destination is a 2TB direct-connected spinning disk. The connection is via FireWire 800 on a Mid 2011 Mac mini running macOS Sierra.

Also, I attempted all of this using Carbon Copy Cloner. I couldn't boot from its copy either. I think I have a hardware issue, not software. Any ideas for additional troubleshooting?

dnanian 10-03-2016 11:22 AM

What happens if you connect the drive with USB instead of FireWire? Does it show up in the startup disk preference pane? What about the Option+Power On boot menu?

ctucker10 10-03-2016 01:28 PM

Yes, the drive appears in the Startup Disk PrefPane and when holding down the option key at startup. I'll answer the USB question when I get home.

dnanian 10-03-2016 01:48 PM

OK. Also, describe exactly what happens when you try to start up from Option+Power On.

ctucker10 10-04-2016 06:34 PM

I reconfigured a couple of my external enclosures for USB instead of FireWire and successfully booted from my copy on the first try. (The volume with the bootable copy is connected via USB.)

My setup is a Mac mini with three external enclosures. Previously, all three enclosures were daisy chained to the FireWire port on the Mac mini.

Now, I have one enclosure connected a USB port, another enclosure connected to another USB port, and the third enclosure still connected via FireWire.

Not sure why my previous config doesn't boot in Sierra. It worked fine on El Capitan.

Thanks for the suggestion!

ctucker10 10-04-2016 06:51 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian (Post 33653)
OK. Also, describe exactly what happens when you try to start up from Option+Power On.

Option+Power On: after a short pause I'm presented with the option to startup from the main HD, the Recovery HD or, the bootable copy. I selected the bootable copy...the Apple logo and progress bar appeared.

I waited...I walked the dog...two hours later there was no progress on the progress bar.

dnanian 10-04-2016 08:24 PM

But it does boot on USB...?

ctucker10 10-05-2016 12:41 PM

Yes. It boots from USB.

dnanian 10-05-2016 12:56 PM

OK, good. So, yes, something about the new OS (or EFI) is preventing FW boot, but the backup seems to be fine.

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