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AdmiralAdama 04-08-2009 12:29 PM

HFS Meta Data problem! Please help!
Just tryng to restore, gettng ths log:

| 09:06:49 AM | Info | SuperDuper!, 2.5 (84), path: /Applications/SuperDuper!.app, Mac OS 10.5.6 build 9G55 (i386)
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Started on Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 9:06 AM
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Source Volume: G5 Backup, mount: /, device: /dev/disk1s10, media: HDS72252 5VLAT80, interconnect: External FireWire, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: 10.5.6 (9G55), capacity: 201.58 GB, used: 192.59 GB, directories: 262777, files: 1425404, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Target Volume: Blank Slate, mount: /Volumes/Blank Slate, device: /dev/disk0s2, media: Hitachi HDP725032GLA380, interconnect: Internal SATA, file system: "Journaled HFS+", OS: N/A, capacity: 247.72 GB, used: 11.01 GB, directories: 59477, files: 256843, ejectable: NO, ACLs: Enabled
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Copy Mode : Smart Update
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Copy Script : Backup - all files.dset
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Transcript : BuildTranscript.plist
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | PHASE: 1. Prepare to Copy Files
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing G5 Backup
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying the integrity of volinfo.database
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | volinfo.database OK
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on G5 Backup
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for G5 Backup
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | Permissions on '/' are enabled.
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Repairing permissions on G5 Backup
| 09:06:49 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Repairing permissions on G5 Backup
| 09:06:50 AM | Info | Started verify/repair permissions on disk disk1s10 G5 Backup
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/at" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/atq" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/atrm" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/batch" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/chfn" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/chpass" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:05 AM | Info | Warning: SUID file "usr/bin/chsh" has been modified and will not be repaired
| 09:14:09 AM | Info |
Finished verify/repair permissions on disk disk1s10 G5 Backup
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Preparing Blank Slate
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Enabling permissions on Blank Slate
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | Refreshing Disk Arbitration ...
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that permissions are enabled for Blank Slate
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | Permissions on '/Volumes/Blank Slate' are enabled.
| 09:14:09 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Verifying that Blank Slate ACL support matches G5 Backup
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Preserving Spotlight state on Blank Slate
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Disabling Spotlight search indexing on Blank Slate
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | PHASE: 2. Copy Files
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | ...ACTION: Copying files from G5 Backup to Blank Slate using Smart Update
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | ......COMMAND => Cloning G5 Backup to Blank Slate
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Copying copy files with delete using script: /Users/garyandrew/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 22 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system temporary files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 6 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude system cache files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Norton FileSaver files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude Google Desktop Index files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 1 commands from copy script /Applications/SuperDuper!.app/Contents/Resources/Copy Scripts/Exclude iTunes Temporary files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | Loading 0 commands from copy script /Users/garyandrew/Library/Application Support/SuperDuper!/Copy Scripts/Standard Scripts/Backup - all files.dset
| 09:14:10 AM | Info | /
| 09:14:13 AM | Info | /Desktop Folder
| 09:14:13 AM | Info | /System Folder (from old Mac)
| 09:14:13 AM | Info | /aj
| 09:14:13 AM | Info | /A Charlie Brown Christmas
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | /cores
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | /Network
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | /Desktop
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | /The G5 Connection Hideaway
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | /.Spotlight-V100
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | Preserving /.Spotlight-V100
| 09:14:16 AM | Info | Preserving /.VolumeIcon.icns
| 09:14:19 AM | Info | /private
| 09:14:37 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/vm/swapfile0
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/db/BootCache.playlist
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/db/volinfo.database
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/automount.initialized
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/mach.sym
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/resolv.conf
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/utmpx
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/run/mds
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/afpserver_0
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/launchd
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/krb5kdc_rcache
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/var/tmp/mds
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launchd-95.thrkTd
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-jyLk8J
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-Gk8zYV
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/launch-E9grev
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | Ignoring /private/tmp/target.indexState
| 09:14:50 AM | Info | /usr
| 09:15:10 AM | Info | -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0 - 0 Jun 21 2008 /Volumes/Blank Slate/usr/share/zoneinfo/Cuba
| 09:15:10 AM | Error | SDCopy: Error "Operation not permitted" encountered while setting HFS meta data for /Volumes/Blank Slate/usr/share/zoneinfo/Cuba of type: 8\n: Operation not permitted

also get an error w/ disk utility when trying to restore that way:

2009-04-08 01:09:38 -0700: Copying
2009-04-08 01:28:13 -0700: could not copy /Volumes/Blank Slate/bin/.BC.7setUX; Operation not permitted
2009-04-08 01:28:13 -0700: Bom copy exited with error 1
2009-04-08 01:28:13 -0700:
2009-04-08 01:28:13 -0700: Could not restore - Operation not permitted
2009-04-08 01:28:14 -0700: Could not restore - Operation not permitted
2009-04-08 01:28:15 -0700:

Any thoughts?


dnanian 04-08-2009 12:33 PM

I'd suggest clean installing Leopard to the internal drive, then -- when prompted to "copy from another Mac" -- point it at the backup. It'll bring in your applications and data.

AdmiralAdama 04-08-2009 12:39 PM

Thnx for the swift reply. Any reason for that? Are you seeing anything in the log in partcular?

dnanian 04-08-2009 12:41 PM

Well, the error implies some HFS+ damage in part of the "zoneinfo" hive, which is reinstalled by the DVD. So, rather than have you repair the drive with Disk Warrior (Disk Utility doesn't do it), I thought it would be easier for you to use the technique I mentioned to avoid copying that file at all...

AdmiralAdama 04-08-2009 12:45 PM

Thnx, gonna try

Ronin 06-10-2009 06:41 PM

I seem to be having the same problem. I have been unable to clone a working boot drive to another hard drive because of the error message about the usr > timezone > cuba metadata.

Running DiskWarrior accomplished nothing.

I am able to find the timezone > cuba on the target drive, but not the source drive. Can anyone help me with finding it?

Is it possible to edit the metadata? If so, how?

I deleted the usr > timezone > cuba file from the target drive and reinstalled the OS 10.5.7 Combo Update on the source drive and attempted a smart update with SD. The smart update has gone past the timezone > cuba file. (I looked and there is now a file present were the one I deleted was.) The smart update has continued and is presently within about 10 GB of finishing. (Fingers crossed.)

My next step, if necessary, is an archive and install. I am not sure how well I would be able to do a clean install as I have the OS and Apps on one drive and another drive that has the primary user (home) folder.

I am still unable to find the timezone files on the source drive searching with Spotlight and in the finder. I also have no idea what the problem is with the metadata on this file, but it seems odd that SD can not simply copy it in whatever state it is in.

Any other ideas would be appreciated.

dnanian 06-11-2009 05:46 AM

I'm really surprised Disk Warrior didn't help. Are you sure you repaired the source drive here? Disk Warrior has fixed this for every other user who's tried.

Anyway, the cuba timezone info can be seen in Terminal. Are you comfortable in Terminal? You can see it with:


ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo/Cuba
And manipulate as needed. It's likely hard linked and has bad ownership/permissions (and even link info).

Ronin 06-11-2009 08:17 AM

Thanks for replying. I appreciate the assistance.

I am not terribly comfortable in terminal...I need to do something about that. Here is what presently shows with your terminal command: -rw-r--r-- 2 root wheel. Here is what showed in one of the error messages: -rw-r--r-- 1 0 0.

Just what should be manipulated if there is an error? In other words, what is "correct" and how do you decide?

In retrospect, I may not have run DW on the backup as the reason I was using the backup drive was that there were some big problems with the primary drive and I am reasonably certain that I ran DW on that drive. Note: I have a separate Boot/Applications drive and data drive. (By the way, the primary boot drive finally rolled over belly up.)

Although I hope that I do not encounter this in the future, I will certainly run DW to see and then dive into terminal. I was pleased that running the Combo Update seems to have resolved the problem without having to go through either an archive and install or a clean install.

Thanks again!

dnanian 06-11-2009 01:49 PM

This is what it should be:


-rw-r--r--  2 root  wheel  871 Aug  8  2008 /usr/share/zoneinfo/Cuba
You can probably just delete that particular file/link, since you probably won't be referring to that timezone, but there may be other problems, too. Or, an archive-and-install of OSX (followed by deleting the "Previous Systems" folder) should put down a new zoneinfo "hive" and clear things up.

Ronin 06-11-2009 06:30 PM

Train wreck
Gosh Dave,

The title says it all. I think that the cuba bit was just one very small part of what was happening. It looks like my boot drive was dying which was complicating everything as it would go into the spinning beach ball of death whenever I tried to access anything and one of the two backup drives was also dying. When I ran DiskWarrior on it there was an error message that the speed was reduced by disk malfunctions. It ran up a huge number of these. When I spoke with Alsoft they told me the drive was physically damaged. (As a side note, they told me that DiskWarrior will present a preview that allows the copying of files & etc if you are quick before it dies completely.)

Anyway, I ran DiskWarrior on the other backup of the boot drive and it found a few minor file creation date errors which I corrected and it ran at a normal (quick) speed. I have just finished making a new backup of the boot drive and am about to put what was originally a backup drive into service until I get an RMA of the boot drive that gave out. The other one is out of warranty and so I will disassemble it to salvage the magnets.

The data drive appears to be in good shape and it has backups that are current as of yesterday so I am beginning to feel a little relieved.

Thanks for your help!

dnanian 06-12-2009 01:12 PM

Wow, that does sound like a bit of a train wreck: I'm glad that you've got a backup done. You might want to snag a new drive as well as an RMA'ed drive so you can have a healthy backup going, too...

Ronin 06-12-2009 01:33 PM

New drives
Indeed. I ordered two yesterday and have scrounged others in the mean time.

I cloned the boot drive so that I now have a backup of it. When I was attempting to clone it to a laptop drive that was not yet in service I got an error message in SD which related to a file called "lost+found". Doing a little searching I came across an interesting posting which sounded like what I had been experiencing. It convinced me that I needed to do an archive and install and clean out all of the remnants of the past that I could. I have completed that now and will be making new set of backups.

This has been an enlightening, though not entirely amusing, experience. I am certainly glad that I had a program of rotating two backups.

It seems like I am the one who always gets the "stump the band" types of issues.

Cheers! :D

sjk 06-12-2009 06:43 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin (Post 25150)
It seems like I am the one who always gets the "stump the band" types of issues.

Nope; want to see my list? ;)

Infrequently there will be some puzzling problem I've desperately struggled with to isolate/resolve on my own and it'll remain an unsolved mystery. I'll help dozens of people with their problems, yet when I really need and ask (or, in extreme cases, practically beg) for help it's nowhere to be found. Google searches are fruitless and responses on forums, etc. (if any) don't tell me anything I don't already know, haven't already tried, etc. I don't like asking for help very often but sure wish I knew where to find it, from people smarter than I am, when it becomes my final option.

I'll occasionally stump Dave, who I do consider smarter and kindly willing to help, with something I'm baffled by. :)

Ronin 06-12-2009 07:57 PM

Hello SJK,

It is good to run into you in this forum as well.

I finished an archive and install on what was the good backup drive, brought everything up-to-date, ran Cocktail and such and my Mac has a happy face for a change.

Yes, it is indeed good to have kind people like friend Dave on the internet when things pop up that are waaaaay out of the ordinary.

Are you really sure that either one of us wants to accept the "stump the band" trophy? It is an award of dubious distinction.

Speaking of "stump the band", you might be interested to know that some of the problems I was encountering with my EyeTV 200 may have been associated with it not getting a sufficient supply of juice from the Firewire port. On the recommendation of one of the Elgato folks I got an external power supply and it seems much better behaved now. Isn't the digital life funny?


sjk 06-14-2009 06:33 PM


Originally Posted by Ronin (Post 25158)
Hello SJK,

Hi. I've sent you a couple PM replies.

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