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kbradnam 11-29-2005 12:43 PM

Scheduling not working?

I upgraded to version 2 yesterday and set about using the new scheduling feature. I transferred the details of all the backups that I was previously running by hand (via an apple script) to the new scheduling feature. All backups have been set to run every day in the early hours of the morning.

Coming into work today, I see that the schedule window lists tomorrow's date in the 'Next Copy' column but there is nothing in the 'Last Copy' column. As far as I can tell, none of the scheduled backups actually ran.

The entries are all present in my crontab file and have the correct launch times. I went to check the SuperDuper log file using the Console application, and it appears that version 2 no longer writes to ~/Library/Logs as the last entry in the log file was my last backup with the older version.

Any ideas as to what is happening (or not happening as the case may be)? Our machine is set to never sleep, and the external firewire drives are connected and mounted (we also back up to some internal drives as well). All users were logged out (I assumed this was ok as it is running from a crontab).

The other thing that is confusing me is that if I open one of our copy scripts and then click on the schedule button, it comes up with the default Monday-Friday 9:30 am backup, even though I have set a different schedule for this backup.

Finally (sorry for making this so long), I noticed that if I run a backup by hand, then that also doesn't change the 'Last Copy' field of the 'Scheduled Copies' window.

Hope you can help,


dnanian 11-29-2005 01:18 PM

As explained in the User's Guide, once scheduled your operation resides entirely in the "Scheduled Copies" window. The main window just creates new scheduled copies (or acts in an immediate fashion) -- you need to edit the jobs from the Scheduled Copies window.

If all users were logged out, that's why the schedule didn't run. The crontab modified is the logged in user's crontab. If you want things to run when all users are logged out, you'll have to install and set things up as "root", which has its own security implications, but will work.

Hope that helps, Keith.

kbradnam 11-29-2005 02:38 PM

As ever, thanks for the speedy and helpful reply Dave.

I just tried copying an entry from the user crontab to the root crontab (/etc/crontab) and specified root as the owner, but that in itself didn't seem enough to make it work.

I guess if I want scheduled backups then I will have to accept that I need to keep a user logged in (or I will have to delve into Applescript again to make a script which logs a user in during the middle of the night).

In reference to my other there still somewhere where I can find a single log with all SuperDuper activity recorded?



dnanian 11-29-2005 02:44 PM

No, Keith -- that's not going to work. You'll need to enable the root user, log in as root, install SD!, set up your schedules. That should be fine.

There is no single place that logs all SD! activity. Each run is kept separately, with its own log.

chabig 11-30-2005 10:16 PM

So Dave. If I do this, does that mean root has to remain logged in?


dnanian 11-30-2005 10:16 PM

No: root is kind of always logged in, Chris.

chabig 11-30-2005 10:20 PM

That's kind of what I thought. But you'd still have to enable the root user and manually log in to set up SD. But then you could log out, disable the root user, and everything would still work.

Cons of this approach--You couldn't change settings or view logs without logging back in as root.


dnanian 11-30-2005 10:35 PM

It should, and you're correct... though you could view the logs in Terminal w/sudo.

chabig 11-30-2005 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by dnanian
you could view the logs in Terminal w/sudo.

Good point.

emikysa 12-01-2005 04:03 PM

AppleScript (or other way) to automatically log into a user account or just use root?
Hi Dave and Keith,

Do either of you know if it would it be possible to create an AppleScript that would automatically log into an OS X user account (as Keith mentioned)? I Googled but didn't find anything useful. I'm thinking about setting up a separate "Backup" user to ensure that nothing in my main user account is running when I run SD!. I'd like for my system to (in the middle of the night) automatically log into that Backup account (and I think I can use iKey to log out of my normal user account). I would have SD! installed in the Backup account with a backup schedule.

My goal is to fully automate middle-of-night backups to one or more external firewire drives. I think I know how to automate everything except for the logging into the Backup account.

Alternatively I might be able to use the root account, but it seems like it's a bit dangerous to enable the root account.
Might the following plan work?:
- activate the root account
- installed SD in the root account with a schedule
- set the wakeup time in the root through the preferences
- set iKey to log me out of my main account in the middle of the night

If my computer went to sleep at the login screen (with all accounts logged out), would it wakeup and run SD per the settings in the root account?

Thank you!

dnanian 12-01-2005 04:05 PM

Erik --

You can't really write something that'll log in a user like that, since the script itself wouldn't be running...

Enabling root temporarily -- just to get things installed and enabled -- shouldn't be terribly dangerous, should you feel that you need to be logged out all the time.

But if you leave yourself logged in with, say, the screen locked, you'd be in a better place...

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