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teasip 04-12-2022 09:00 AM

It has developed a mind of its own. I deleted the prior schedule and reset it now using 3x/week backup. Copied successfully per the banner on the home screen when I awakened it this morning. I'll keep an eye out and if it skips again I'll try your last suggestion. Fingers crossed.

Addendum: Two for two as of this morning with scheduled backups this week. Who knows, who cares, as long as it works.

teasip 04-25-2022 10:48 AM

It’s been a week and knock on wood, SD has nailed every scheduled backup over that time. Don’t know what it was but the fact that it’s working is good enough for me.

dnanian 04-25-2022 10:56 AM

Glad it's working now!

teasip 04-28-2022 09:24 PM

Spoke too soon. Missed this morning's scheduled copy.

dnanian 04-29-2022 06:41 AM

Your Mac likely didn't stay awake...or didn't wake.

Dan Lester 02-15-2024 07:56 AM

I thought I'd add this to an old query. I have a couple of daily scheduled backups. It seems they've been failing to run for a couple of days. Turns out that happened when I upgraded from Monterey to Sonoma. I don't think my cron file was erased, as I have other stuff in there that continued to work. I should have looked at it. But I just erased the SuperDuper schedules, reestablished them, and now scheduled backups again work perfectly. Is there something about OS upgrade that messes with SuperDuper cron schedules?

dnanian 02-15-2024 08:05 AM

There shouldn't be; I haven't seen cron entries go away during an OS update. Perhaps the agent wasn't running for some reason?

(Remember - the cron entries are there for "backward compatibility" - they indicate when the backups run, but aren't actually running them: the actual backup is run by our LaunchAgents.)

Dan Lester 02-15-2024 10:29 PM

Well, it is a little funny that my scheduled backups were working for a year, and then quite suddenly, when I upgraded the OS, they stopped happening. Under scheduled copies, SuperDuper accurately admitted that they hadn't been happening, though the backups were still formally scheduled. I take it this isn't happening to anyone else? I should say that I hadn't even manually launched SuperDuper for a few months, so it isn't as if I changed something in the app. Oh well.

dnanian 02-16-2024 07:33 AM

I'm not saying it's not "odd", just that it's not "typical". Since you "fixed" it, though, it's impossible to diagnose after the fact.

Next time, if it happens, send me support email and we'll work through it and try to figure out what it is.

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