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dnanian 11-11-2008 10:09 AM

Those warnings are just fine (and expected - they're compatibility warnings from the script dictionary). The port 9 thing is also no problem.

dnanian 11-11-2008 10:10 AM

Glad to hear it, Trium Shockwave... keep me informed.

NovaScotian 11-12-2008 11:14 AM

My scheduling seems to have stopped completely. Works when I test it shortly after it's set, doesn't work when it's set 15 or twenty minutes after I leave the machine (during which time its screens sleep, and possibly its HDs do too but the computer does not).

Clearly time for a different approach; use the Energy Saver wakeup setting and schedule there.

I'd also love to know why, when I discard an old schedule and start a new one, the schedule sheet always announces that the last copy was on Wed. May 28 at 7:18 PM. Is it time to discard the preferences file, reload SuperDuper from a fresh copy, and start over?

dnanian 11-12-2008 11:47 AM

Please delete your schedules, quit SD! and the remove the 'Scheduled Copies" folder in Library/Application Support/SuperDuper! (off your Home); that should resolve any weirdness in the window.

Why it would run 'one minute from now' but not '15 minutes from now' I have no idea, other than the factors I've listed in the User's Guide. Does your screen saver have a password, perhaps?

NovaScotian 11-12-2008 05:24 PM

I decided on the kill or cure method. I searched for and deleted every SD! file I could find, several caches, com.blacey.SuperDuper!, com.blacey.plist, the folder in ~/Library/Application Support, the app., reinstalled, reregistered, ran a fresh backup, and scheduled another for 3:10 AM (the Energy Saver will wake the machine at 3 AM).

I should note that there were more files to delete than were recreated when I started up again; particularly several old caches, probably from version 1.

We'll see how that goes.

My ScreenSaver does not require a password because I want to be able to tunnel into the machine.

dnanian 11-12-2008 06:19 PM

Wake at 3:09am, not 3am. One minute before, always.

NovaScotian 11-13-2008 10:55 AM

No backup this morning. Scheduling simply doesn't work on my machine. No log entries after 03:09 wakeup for SuperDuper!. Time Machine backed up at 03:20 and Meteorologist updated its weather report just before that, and another wakeup appleScript ran properly, so the machine was awake and functioning.

I'm through fiddling, however -- I'll write an AppleScript to do it on wakeup if the time is right. Sometimes you can't win, Dave -- don't spin your wheels -- there's something odd about my setup.

I was wrong. I just came back to my machine at 3:10 PM, and SuperDuper! was running a backup. Doh -- I thought it was a 24 hour clock, completely missing the AM/PM setting. Pardon my undeserved gripe!!

NovaScotian 11-14-2008 07:54 PM

Now working properly. :)

alphamac 04-01-2009 01:42 AM

Same problem here, is there a definitive answer?
Trium Shockwave, did staying logged in as a local user fix the problem for you? I read your post and I am in exactly the same situation. The schedules run fine for a while, and then just stop, no warning, no error, just don't run anymore, although the schedule still shows the next attempt will be made at the correct time.

I also have a client where an OD user is logged in to the server where the backup runs (or doesn't, in this case).

This has been an issue for a while now...

Trium Shockwave 04-02-2009 01:07 PM

Yes, arranging things so the SD backup schedules are configured in the local account seems to have solved the problem. It is a little annoying that the crontab seems to dump from network accounts at logout. Apple has been trying to push everyone away from cron and StartupItems and onto launchd though.

alphamac 04-08-2009 02:16 AM

Thanks for the answer. It's not an option form me to do that with these guys, it would cause too many other issues to have the user that's logged in as a local user. It's good to know what's causing the problem though, even if there's no real fix yet. It's seemed random to me, but this suggests that the user is either logging out, or my client is restarting the server form time to time, so now I at least have something to check.
Many thanks,

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